Christmas is coming!!
It’s Chriiiiiiistmas!
Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s that time of the year again; where panic sets in about last minute shopping; where we all eat and drink far too much; and where we hear the same Christmas songs over, and over (and over) again! So whether your decorations are up early in November, or reluctantly on the 24th December, there is no escaping it. Christmas is almost here and everyone takes a well-earned break….or maybe not!
All I want for Christmas….
… a week off? Not in the Health Connections world.
Traditionally, business everywhere close their doors at 4pm (or 1pm if you’re lucky) on Christmas Eve, not to open again until the New Year. Well, that is unless you work in certain industries, healthcare being one of them. In the same way that hospitals, care homes and emergency services deliver a 24 hour, 365 days a year service, so do Health Connections Patient Transport Service.
For some people Christmas can be one of the most difficult times of the year. There is an expectation that everyone enjoys Christmas, but this is not the case. For some people Christmas can be a challenge and their mental health can really suffer. This means that some individuals they may reach crisis point and require more support than normal.
How can we help?
With all running around, it feels like there are a million and one things to do at Christmas. But you can feel safe in the knowledge that Health Connections Patient Transport Service are in full operation all over the busy Christmas period. We will be providing a full service to ensure we can respond as quickly and effectively as any other time of the year. We will not let you down when you really need us.
Wishing all our clients a very happy and safe, Merry Christmas!