Mental Health and coming out of lockdown
This may for some of us, feel like an exciting time. The gradual easing of lockdown means all the things we have been waiting for may soon happen. Like seeing family, friends, getting back to work and have some normal routines back. However, for some of us, this change could cause anxiety and affect our mental health. It doesn’t mean we don’t want to do all those things, it’s just the thought of coming out of a safe ‘bubble’ that can be scary. Especially when the news still changes daily and we are left confused and worried about what may happen.
Here are some tips on dealing with the lockdown ending and how to help manage your mental health.
Remember that you can’t control everything
There are still a lot of unknowns with the COVID-19 pandemic and this causes a lot of fear and anxiety. So try to only worry about the things that you can control and make a plan on how to manage them.
Take small steps
Don’t feel pressured to go any faster than what you are comfortable with. If friends or family are putting pressure on you to do things which you don’t consider safe, then explain your concerns to them. Everyone’s reaction and way of dealing with the pandemic is different. What is safe for them, may not feel safe for you. And that’s ok.
Switch up your routines
If you have found yourself getting into a lockdown routine (and many of us have!) try and change it up. Routines give a feeling of safety and may be hard to break for some. But seeing different people and going out any different times will help ease you out of lockdown.
Focus on what’s happening today
Try not to spend too much time worrying about what the future looks like and instead focus on what you can do today.